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The purpose driving Greenie

The name speaks for itself? But not actually...

I've said from the outset that Greenie needs to be bigger than me. Behind the drive to reduce the use of plastic and single use items to save our environment, there is another, equally important cause: UPLIFTMENT.

Those who know me personally will tell you that I'm truly passionate about caring for others. We live in a beautiful but very unequal society. My purpose for Greenie is growth. Not only for my benefit, but to create a growing business where others can learn and develop. 

I cannot believe that it has been little over a month since the launch of this little business. I have grown tremendously in such a short time, continually supported by people (most of them women) who freely give time, advice, ideas, direction and so much more. I can never thank them enough, but hope they know who they are. I will try and pay this forward for many years to come.

My vision for Greenie is very clear! I need to be brave and push to build it to create opportunities for others. We desperately need change in our country and it starts with us. No effort is ever too small. 

So why the need to share this? Because this sets Greenie's true north right from the very start. Building an eco conscious brand that is about growth, upliftment and empowerment; and not just profit. Sharing it with the world (potentially) makes this a fundamental business choice and direction. 

I invite you to walk this path with me, so that "we" can grow Greenie from "me" into "us" and I promise to update you as this happens. 

So next time you look for a practical gift for a friend, think local, think green and support our vision. 

1 comment

  • Hi Mieke!
    I’ve been wanting to let you know how much I love my face mitt. The best face cloth ever. It’s top of my Christmas gift list this year.
    The bowl covers are equally amazing. They’ll come in super handy for summer salads and puds. A great substitute for cling wrap.
    Love your website too and your story. I’m proud to know you.
    Would love to do that coffee sometime.
    Thank you so much.
    Brenda ❤️👍🤗

    Brenda Scott

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